Mamma's Italian Appetizer Recipes

Get ready for some Italian appetizer recipes that will have your family and friends talking for years to come.
Every great meal begins with a great appetizer!
The first meal is not something Italians take lightly. We don’t just throw something out on the table just to hold you over. In my family, we treat every meal with equal importance, especially the first one, as this sets the tone for things to come.
There is nothing better than some hot Italian sausage and peppers, eggplant parmesan, a loaf of bread and a glass of your favorite wine. What about some fried calamari and some delicious baked clams? How about a nice dish of mussel’s marinara? Getting hungry?
So are you ready to discover the wonderful appetizers that are within these pages? I know I am! Let’s go take a look together! I’ll bring the bread, you pour the wine!
Mussels Marinara
Shrimp Appetizer
Baked Clams
Aunt Lu Lu's Eggplant Parmesan
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